
Highest Divorce Rates (15 Jobs)

Radford University in Virginia recently released a list of the 15 professions with the highest divorce rates in the country. The Radford study indicates that professional dancers and choreographers are most likely to get divorced, while maids and housekeeping cleaners are the least likely to be divorced on the list. Other professions who made the list, in order from highest rate to lowest rate of divorce: Bartenders, massage therapists, gaming cage workers, extruding machine operators, gaming service workers, factory workers in the food and tobacco industries, nursing, psychiatric and home health aides, entertainers and performers, baggage porters and concierges, telemarketers, waiters, and roofers.

The study also found that some of the professions with the absolute lowest rates of divorce are sales engineers, podiatrists, and transit police.

View our Charlotte family law firm website or call 704.370.2828 to schedule a consultation with a Charlotte divorce lawyer.

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