
The Seven Reasons To Get Out Of A Bad Relationship #6: Because You Control Your Happiness :: Separation and Divorce Lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina

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In our continuing saga of posts based on the Yahoo piece by Ronnie Tyler about seven important reasons to end a bad relationship, we have now reached the sixth piece of advice. The first reason to get out of a bad marriage is because you deserve better. Second, because your children deserve better. Three is because your spouse won’t change (at least not in the time that you want them to). Number four is that someone has to take the first step. The fifth reason is because your environment should not define your state of mind. Number six is because you have to remember that you are in control of your own happiness.

Tyler says that people who are stuck in a difficult marriage need to take a deep breath and, though it might be hard, own up to their role in the problems. Playing a victim is not only a pointless waste of time, but also a good way to avoid taking responsibility for the part you played in creating the relationship trouble. Though you may not be the one engaging in destructive behavior, it always takes two to tango. You may have permitted bad behavior to go on for too long or sent mixed messages about what kind of treatment you would tolerate from your significant other.

Regardless of the issue, take stock of your situation and then take responsibility, it is the only way to move forward according to Tyler. Once you have acknowledged your own responsibility for the relationship trouble, it is important to take time to come up with some measurable goals to improve things. Don’t just sit back and wait for things to get better, chances are they never will. Improvement only happens with effort on someone’s part.

Rather than list lofty and unattainable goals, try and break things down into smaller pieces that you can actually achieve. Once you have your goals in mind, figure out what steps you need to take to get there. There is no time like the present to begin making changes, so remember that you don’t have to wait for agreement from your spouse to start altering your own bad behavior. You are the one that controls your destiny and Tyler says the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can make the drastic changes that are needed to get your bad relationship back on track.

If you find yourself facing a complicated family matter then you need the help of experienced family law attorneys in Charlotte, North Carolina who can help guide you through the often confusing process of divorce.


“Relationship Wreck: 7 Reasons to Get Out of a Bad Marriage NOW,” by Ronnie Tyler, published at

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