Articles Tagged with divorce negotiations

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How should I prepare if I intend to file for divorce in the near future?”

Divorce rates have been on the decline for the last decade or more. For those that end in divorce, the median length of the first marriage is about 12 years. While the divorce rate on average is going down, the divorce rate among older individuals is actually rising. Baby boomers are continuing to divorce at a higher rate than those who are younger. Baby boomers are those people who were born between 1946 and 1964. If you are ending your marriage, you may want to seek guidance from a knowledgeable divorce attorney.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is social media evidence used in divorce proceedings?”

Going through a divorce is a major transition in life. Suddenly, your assets are being divided, custody arrangements are being set, and you are left negotiating with a soon-to-be-ex spouse over assets and issues you never thought would be the subject of a legal battle. We see divorce on television or witnesses our close friends and families go through divorce, but we do not often consider the impact that our actions might have on the outcome of a divorce.

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