
Articles Posted in Paternity


What are a Father’s Rights in North Carolina?

What are a Father’s Rights in North Carolina? A child has two biological parents, and both often play important roles in their life. Although a mother gives birth, both the mother and father have rights and responsibilities. Generally, both parents are allowed to spend time with their children. One parent…


How Do I Establish Paternity in North Carolina?

  Children are born to two parents, and both parents have rights and responsibilities. Sometimes, paternity is not automatic. In order to ensure parental rights, paternity might need to be established through legal channels. While you may know that you are the biological parent of a child, the law must…


What are the Rights of Unmarried Parents?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is the amount of child support decided in North Carolina?”   The family dynamic has been changing over the last several decades. Today it is much more acceptable to give birth to children out of wedlock. According to the…


Five Reasons Why You Should Establish Paternity as an Unmarried Father

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I keep my Kids from seeing the other parent?”   A child born during a marriage is automatically considered an heir to both parties of the marriage. However, when a child is born to unmarried parents, the father should…


Pennsylvania Court Tackles Tricky Issue of Paternity

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” If I remarry, can they look at my new spouse’s income?”   You might think that determining paternity these days would be a fairly simple process. There is no longer a need for lengthy trials, witness testimony and a…


Paternity in North Carolina

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What rules are there for Father’s Right in NC?”   When it comes to paternity, the law in North Carolina has been designed to favor married couples. Married couples benefit because when a child is born to a married couple,…

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