
Articles Posted in Child Support


Paying Child Support in North Carolina

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is the amount of child support decided in North Carolina?”   When a couple divorces, or otherwise separates, it is not uncommon for the parent without full custody of the child be required to pay child support to the…


Three Major Issues in Family Law Cases

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How will the judge divide our property?”   Every divorce and family law case is different because every family is different. There are different family dynamics, marital assets, and child custody disputes. While the specific facts of each case are…


How do I Collect Owed Child Support in North Carolina?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Who pays for the children’s health insurance and co-pays?”   Adjusting to life with children after divorce can be difficult. Suddenly, after having spent the past years or months with a spouse sharing the responsibilities of parenthood, you are suddenly…


Chicago Finally Abolishes Dual-Track Family Law Court

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can I do to gain custody of my child in North Carolina?”   Legal battles over custody and child support are miserable for everyone involved. They take time, money and create enormous amounts of stress given the importance of…


Change to Illinois Family Law Causes Concern

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is the amount of child support decided in North Carolina?”   Family law is an aspect of our legal system that can sometimes seem immune to change. It can take years for the family law world to react to…


Tennessee Judge Says Woman Has The Rights of a Husband

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What are my custody rights if the other parent moves?”   Though it’s gone smoothly in some places, other courts in more conservative states have had a bumpy road adapting to changed legal realities since the landmark same-sex marriage case…


Insurance Company Offers Divorce Coverage

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is the amount of child support decided in North Carolina?”   Most people know that it’s important to have health insurance. Same thing with car insurance or life insurance or homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance. We rely on insurance,…


Until Death Do You Part

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What children’s expenses are covered by child support?”   When you make the decision to divorce, you might understandably believe that what once was a lifetime connection to your former spouse gets severed. Though it’s true the nature of your…


Illinois Implements New Rules To Simplify Divorce Process

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Do I need an attorney to get a Divorce in North Carolina?”   Anyone with friends or family who have been through the process have likely heard how difficult divorce can be. Even putting aside the emotional toll (a hard…


Can I Sue My Parent for Decades-Old Unpaid Child Support?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What children’s expenses are covered by child support?”   MarketWatch shared a reader query this week from a man named Marc who wanted to know if he could sue his “deadbeat dad” for the decades of unpaid child support his…

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