Articles Tagged with spousal support

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is the amount of child support decided in North Carolina?”

As of March 30, North Carolina has over 1,300 confirmed cases of the coronavirus disease, while at least six people died from COVID-19 in the state, including one coronavirus-related death in Mecklenburg County.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How is social media evidence used in divorce proceedings?”

People routinely use social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to express their opinions and share what happens in their daily lives. While others may simply scroll through your posts and photos (or comment, like, and repost them), your soon-to-be-ex-spouse and his or her attorney will be looking at everything you post through a magnifying glass when your divorce case is pending.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Does adultery affect my divorce case?”

Although couples can obtain a no-fault divorce in North Carolina, marital misconduct may play a prominent role in divorce proceedings. Specifically, any acts that constitute marital misconduct may affect such aspects of divorce as alimony and even child custody.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Who pays for the children’s health insurance and co-pays?”

Taxes should be considered when dealing with any family law-related issues such as alimony, child support, or equitable distribution. Getting divorced in 2020 can cause many tax surprising consequences.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “How will the judge divide our property?”

No one ever thinks that their marriage is going to end someday, which is why the vast majority of us are never prepared for it when it does happen. Going through the divorce process can be an emotional undertaking. After all, you are divorcing the person you have lived with for the past years or decades who may also be the mother/father of your children.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “When do you get alimony?”

To put it another way, can men ask for alimony in North Carolina? Alimony is believed to be a gender-neutral aspect of divorce, so how come so few men get spousal support in our state?

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I get the judge to order my spouse to pay my attorney’s fees in a property division case?”

A story of a woman who divorced her husband and found love with her wedding DJ can inspire many who do not feel happy in their marriage to file for divorce and pursue happiness.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: ” If I remarry, can they look at my new spouse’s income?”

Making the decision to get married is an exciting time for any couple. It is common for couples to not want to temper that excitement by bringing up the subject of money, property, and what belongs to whom in the event of a divorce. Premarital agreements, more commonly referred to as prenuptial agreements, can help couples plan for the future and actually bring more security into a marriage. Consider it this way. Marriage is already a contract. Having a premarital agreement simply gives the couple more control over that contract than the courts.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “When do you get alimony?”

Not every marriage ends in a lifetime of happiness with your spouse. Unfortunately, spouses have irreconcilable differences that lead them to file for divorce and legally end their marriage. For some spouses, divorce results in each spouse continuing to work and live his or her separate life, just separate from the former spouse. For others, though, a divorce can cause them to wonder how they will continue in their previous lifestyle. In some instances, one spouse works and makes money to provide for the family, while the other spouse stays home or works at a lesser paying job. A divorce does not have to devastate one, or both, spouses financially. There is a potential for one spouse to receive alimony payments from the other spouse.

Board Certified Family Law Specialist Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is an Absolute Divorce?”

A recent divorce debacle playing out in the UK represents an all too common reality for some. The husband in the case, a Russian billionaire, has utterly refused to comply with any aspect of the divorce decree. Despite a court order mandating that he hand over hundreds of millions of dollars to his ex-wife, along with vehicles and artwork, the man has simply said “No”. Now his former wife is forced to continue litigation, in the hope of collecting the money that is rightfully hers.

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