
Articles Posted in Gastionia


Can You Renegotiate a Prenuptial Agreement?

Can You Renegotiate a Prenuptial Agreement? Not all marriages survive the test of time. While you never get married with the intent to divorce, it is best to prepare. A prenuptial agreement can protect you and your spouse and make life easier in case your union comes to an end.…


When Does Child Support End?

When Does Child Support End? Going through a divorce can be a difficult event for a family. Parents need to be particularly careful when there are children involved. Parents typically share parenting responsibilities, and the non-custodial parent usually pays child support. Child support is necessary to ensure the health and…


What are the Requirements for Divorce in North Carolina?

What are the Requirements for Divorce in North Carolina? Marriages do not always last forever. Although you and your spouse began your marriage with the intention of a lifelong union, people and circumstances change, and you may decide to end your marriage. There are many issues that you must settle…


How Do I Begin the Divorce Process?

How Do I Begin the Divorce Process? It can be difficult to make the decision to end your marriage. Once you know that there is no hope for saving the union, you will need to start the divorce process. North Carolina allows for a no-fault divorce, so you can obtain…


What Should I Include in a Prenuptial Agreement?

What Should I Include in a Prenuptial Agreement? Prenuptial agreements are becoming more popular. While many people think that only the rich or famous can benefit from a prenup, it is a helpful document for most couples. The prenup is an excellent way to provide guidance for how to handle…

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